Our Story

Growing up, I was taught to keep an eye on the ingredients list of (human) processed foods. The rule of thumb was - if we couldn’t pronounce more than a couple of ingredients, try to pass and find a cleaner option. Except for Oreos, I live for Oreos.

Anyway, I started realizing Indy’s (my scoob) favorite treats were littered with chemicals of all sorts, Tocopherols this and Annatto that.

Pup owners out there can relate to the constant ‘rewarding’ taking place during the training process, specifically talking about ‘high-value’ treats. Why not a natural and clean option? An ethical reward that reuses waste AND is loaded with protein?

I give you - Hoppy Biscuits. A clean dog treat option that combines my three passions: dogs, beer, and sustainability.

Hoppy Biscuits produces high protein, fiber-loaded, organic dog treats made with spent beer grain sourced from local breweries in Chicago. Spent grain aids in digestion and contributes essential amino acids needed for healthy muscle growth, repair and energy levels.

Our Goal: To give our custopups a crunchy, delicious and sustainable biscuit by repurposing draff, a byproduct of the brew-making process.

Flat Stanley, Indy Style

8/50 states and counting!